Heaven For Horses - Rehabilitation For Horses.
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Support Us
Support Us

Here at Heaven for Horses we are completely committed to helping make the world a better place for horses and humans. We work to an extremely tight budget and both have outside jobs to make ends meet. Our days are long and demanding, in all weathers, with days off being a rarity and holidays unfeasible.

While our present circumstances place frustrating restrictions on what we can do (as we are not permitted to dwell on our land despite the special needs of our horses and have neither electricity, landline telephone nor sanitation at our yard), an opportunity has arisen to purchase our neighbours' house which would provide us with all we need to upgrade Heaven for Horses to a Residential Teaching Centre designed to work hand-in-hand with our rehabilitation project.
You are welcome to come and see for yourself the work we are doing at Buck Mill Farm anytime. All we ask is that you make an appointment beforehand.
How To Donate:

Donate, Subscribe or by Cheque

Please make cheques payable to Mrs. Stephanie Fry.

Postal Address:
Heaven for Horses
Buck Mill Farm
Little Bridge
Stoke Trister
Somerset BA9 9PP
Tel.: 01747-826985

Mob.: 07903-902940


We have between us all the necessary skills to make this project a success. What we need is sponsorship and funding to help us take the logical next step in the natural progression of our project.
We are extremely grateful for donations of any size, large or small. Or you could "adopt" one of our horses you feel particularly drawn to by making regular contributions to his upkeep. In return, you will receive updates and photographs documenting his progress.

We also have use for surplus materials (such as left-over scalpings, riding surfaces, grass mats etc), redundant usable farm equipment (e.g. chain harrows, manege levellers, even a tractor or quad bike needing attention ) and especially horse-drawn implements.

Please be assured that EVERY donation will go towards the ongoing Heaven for Horses project.

Thank you so much!
"Evening Hay"
"please may I have some more?"
"Winter Wonderland"
Please Subscribe £5 Per Month
Please Donate Any Amount
Please Donate Any Amount
Please Subscribe £5 Per Month