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Our Horses
Gelding, bay, 16HH English TB ex-racehorse. Born 1982 at Newmarket and died 2012 at Heaven for Horses, aged 30 1/2. He was Stephanie's first horse and best friend, partner, teacher and equine Love of my Life.

Until his energy began to fade due to his advancing years and failing eyesight he was known as "The Boss" as all the other horses looked to him for leadership. In 2010 he suffered a stroke from which he recovered, but he could not come back from a field injury sustained in August 2012.

Full of charisma, he was a horse in a million, and it is my honour and privilege to have been associated with him. I am convinced that Heaven for Horses is, in fact, Owen's project, and that I have been but his P.A. Go to About Us and Articles: Full Circle to read about our eventful journey together.

Gelding, bay, 16HH Irish TB ex-racehorse. Year of birth unknown; probably around 2000.
Anecdotally described as, "'Tis a sweet harse but never won a ting."

Years later, he was rescued literally staring down the barrel of a pistol after having broken a farrier's leg, reared up and fallen over backwards with his "trainer" and left behind a good 20% of his left fore hoof by getting his foot stuck and falling off the ramp whilst being whipped into a dealer's trailer.

When "The Killer", as he was known in those days, arrived at our yard he was a bundle of misery terrified of putting a foot wrong. In 4 years we have never seen any sign of aggression out of him. Formerly a compulsive and violent weaver, he can now be stabled for longer periods and rarely gets so stressed as to display this behaviour.
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We are still waiting for him to grow strong enough horn in his injured foot to enable him to become permanently sound, but even though disabled he has now taken on his role as Alpha for which Owen had coached him during the final year of his life.

William's eyes these days gleam with mischief. They are the brightest eyes in all the yard. He has a wonderful sense of humour and is a joy just to have around.

Buddies with Bertie.
Gelding, bay, 16.2HH Irish TB. Presumed year of birth 1992. History unknown, but described by former owner as "a complete lunatic", and, on arrival, correctly diagnosed by Steven as having "more problems than all the others put together". He finds any kind of restraint such as being tied or stabled very difficult to tolerate and will display all the equine displaced and stereotyped behaviours under the sun.

His distress levels soar quickly, and he "goes away" inside. He will appear outwardly calm, but his eyes will glaze over and he will become so introverted that he can barely be reached.

Any pressure being put on him in this situation will result in him "blowing up" and becoming completely and violently unpredictable.
At other times he is quietly obedient, relaxed and responsive, friendly and outgoing with both humans and other horses and a complete joy. He is also highly intelligent and a very fast learner. Bertie is one of my "project" horses.

Buddies with William.
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Gelding, chestnut (well, orange!), 16HH Hanoverian with some Arabian blood.

Bred in 1991 to replace his treasured sister who had died a young filly.

Naturally he could never live up to the expectations placed on him and was therefore never quite "good enough" or wanted.

A stallion until a 10-year-old, he was formerly known as "Fritz" as he was just so irritable. When he was presented to us due to his hyper-vigilance and extremely challenging, defensive-aggressive behaviour, he had had it with humans.

Several years on, our relationship is fully on track, and he has taught me how to offer him the strong leadership he looks for in order to feel safe. He is one of my "project" horses.

Buddies with Thomas (and Joe).

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Gelding, chestnut, 15.1HH Welsh Cob with (probably!) some Suffolk Punch.

Presumed year of birth 1991.

A former Riding-For-The-Disabled weight carrier, he was already on the lorry to the slaughterhouse because he kept collapsing with his riders (such is the thanks you get in Humansville!).

Although he can no longer be ridden, he now works on the farm in harness and loves having a purpose which does not insult his intelligence.

Thomas is a true soldier. Everyone loves Thomas.

Buddies with Hero.

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Gelding, Palomino, 16.2 HH Welsh Cob. Year of birth presumed to be approx. 2002.

Originally trained as a showjumper, he was injured in an accident and now has a metal plate in his elbow.

Although basically sound, he can no longer jump and was therefore not wanted any more.

He is an overgrown, playful and naughty puppy and Steven's "project" horse.

Buddies with Hero and Thomas.

But especially Steven.

  Click To Visit:-  Owen  I  William  I Bertie  I  Hero  I  Thomas  I  Joe I  Misti 
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Shire Mare, 18hh and still growing. Year of birth 2007.

Misti was in need of a new home when she came to us without a basic education in November 2012, having never even been tied. But fortunately she does not have any emotional "baggage", either. She is 900kg of juvenile playfulness with an inquisitive and trusting nature.

The plan is to give her the job she was bred for, and we hope that she will be able to take over from Thomas and work in harness around the farm.

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