About Us
Situated in a picturesque South Somerset valley, Buck Mill Farm is a 30-acre small-holding which my husband Steve and I bought in 2003 to enable us to give a home and a life worth living to horses with physical, mental and emotional problems who would otherwise have been destroyed.
What began as a personal ambition has evolved into a last-resort rehabilitation facility. The entire development was lovingly hand-built from scratch by ourselves, involving much hard work and financial sacrifice.
As most of the damaged horses that come to us have difficulty coping in "traditional" management systems we use predominantly holistic methods. It follows that, should they be placed back into the same circumstances following their rehabilitation, they are likely to revert.
In order for any healing and improvement to be maintained once they return home (or go to a new one) it is therefore imperative that horse and owner progress together. So we launched Heaven for Horses with the aim of hosting workshops, clinics and Horse-and-Rider Retreats focusing on helping people experience and learn about being with their horses in a completely different and mutually more rewarding way.
As we are totally committed to helping make this world a better place for horses and humans, virtually everything we earn is ploughed back into the project. In order to survive, we rely on donations, subscriptions and sponsoring on both our main and mobile websites as well as income generated by our events.
For more information please visit our main website. If you are interested in sponsoring, donating or holding a clinic or workshop please don't hesitate to contact us by phone or e-mail.
Thank you for visiting us.
Steve & Stephanie Fry.